
Quality Basement Lowering Services in the GTA

Basement lowering, also known as underpinning, is a technique for raising the height of a basement. If you believe your ]ft basement isn’t deep enough, consider getting it lowered today. The Home Upgraders sewing the residents of the GTA is your go-to contractor for basement underpinning.. have over two decades of expertise in successfully completing projects that have helped numerous Canadians get more out of their homes. Each basement lowering renovation is completed using the safest and most modern technology available.

When you hire us to underpin your basement, you can be sure we’ll give you our expert recommendations. We’ve been in the industry Long enough to know what works. Call us today to discuss your eject.

Benefits of Lowered Basements

Underpinning provides many benefits to your home, including:

  • Increase in the overall height of the basement
  • The option to make a basement rental unit
  • A dry basement with interior waterproofing system
  • Increase in your home’s value

Basement Walkout Entrance

If you’re considering renovating your basement, we will suggest you add a walkout entrance as welt This will allow you various benefits, which include:

  • Additional home value
  • Separate entrance for your potential tenants
  • An alternative fire exit
  • An access to move items in and out
  • Increased natural light

Improve Your Basement with Underpinning

Let us help you by transforming your basement into an area that is more functional for your specific needs.